Sunday, October 4, 2015

Here Are Your "Stop Bullying" Ideas.

Do You Do These Things?

1. Keep their business to themselves.
2. Don't pick on people.
3. Don't start rumors.
4. Tell a Teacher/Principal about the rumor that you're hearing,
5. Don't tell lies that can start rumors.
6. Don't say bad things about people.
7. If you hear a rumor ask someone if they really did it.
8. Help someone if they're getting bullied.
9. Try persuading the bully to stop.
10. Make a blog about bullying or something.

: keep to yourself keep the negative comments to yourself
2: be polite to people help them out
3: stay away from drama
4: discuss the problem to the person you have conflict with
5: start a no bullying campaign
6: treat people with respect were all human also
7: don't talk about people behind their backs
8: everyone has their beliefs and something they enjoy
9: show people that you care about their safety
10: be loving, kind, cool !!!

1. I think they can have a Stop Bullying club
2. They can tell a teacher or an adult if they know that someone is getting bullied
3. They can raise money for the school and have a button when someone is getting bullied they can push that button
4.They can make a project about stopping bullying and show it to the school
5. The students can have a event about stopping bullying
6.They can have a whole week about stopping bullying.
7. They can set up a meeting about bullying
8. They can stop bullying
9. They can stop talking about people
10. They can encourage people about stop bullying  

1.Try to actually talk to the person get to know them
2.Try becoming friends
3.If they get you mad don't treat them poorly
4.Treat them hoe you want to be treated
5.Don't judge a book by its cover
6.Don't isolate someone just because your not cool with them
7.Help anybody in need
8.Don't just stand by got tell someone get help if you see someone being picked on
9.Never just decide on not liking someone if you don't know them
10.Don't get in the way of trouble

- Stand up for them
- Not spread rumors
- Speak up
- Tell a trusted adult
- Be a friend
- Don't be just a bystander
- Don't participate in the bullying
- Include those being left alone

1-They can protect the student who got bullied.
2-They can lie about the gossip and say they say everything.
3-They can talk to bullies and tell them stop.
4-They can talk to their parents of someone older then them about the problem.
5-They can make a Truth Day one day and in that day everybody has the tell the truth about something for example they can say they got bullied by someone.
6-Teachers can talk to student if they got bullied or not.

1.Tell a teacher.
2.Tell an administrator.
3. Talk to the bully.
4.Tell your parents.
5.Don't believe the gossiping
6.Don't start the Drama/Gossiping
7.Become friends with the person being bullied.
8.Ignore them, so they see that you're not paying attention to them.
9.Cheer up the people getting gossiped about
10.Talk to the people starting it.

5-Talk to the people who got bullied before.
6-Stand up for those bullied.
7-Keep yourself from gossiping.
8-If somebody tells you a gossip,change the subject.
9-Do something about the gossip.
10-Treat everyone with respect.


  1. Good job Ms.Alexander I'll spread the word about how to stop bullying XD

  2. It's a good blog about how you can help people that are being bullied and how you can stop people from bullying. It's great so far. Bye
