Blog Requirements

Blog Requirements

For All Reading Classes-

  • Two paragraphs & one (labelled for reuse) photo per week
  • Five comments on other students' blogs. You may also follow other blogs that interest you and submit comments on those, with screenshot to me

For History Class

Your blog must be on one of these themes...
  • Greek & Roman mythology
  • religions of the past
  • laws based on religion in our country
  • government types around the world
  • cultures around the world
  • languages around the world
  • a travel blog (either or places you've been or would like to go)
  • any other history or geography topic that is approved by me.
You must remain on topic each week, choosing something within your umbrella subject. 

Then the same requirements apply as reading classes.

  • Two paragraphs & one (labelled for reuse) photo per week
  • Five comments on other students' blogs. You may also follow other blogs that interest you and submit comments on those, with screenshot to me

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