Tuesday, March 22, 2016

8th Grade Tuesday 3/22 Assignment

Read this story. When you are done, you will analyze the characters and summarize the story.


After Reading “Broken Chain” , get in pairs. You can answer all the questions together on paper or, I prefer, e-mail it to me from your phone, but you must be prepared to read or say your answers out loud.

Let’s analyze this story according to skills we reviewed this year. You MUST answer in complete sentences and be ready with verbal responses.

  1. What could a possible theme (lesson or message from the author) be in this story? Justify (explain) your reasoning for your answer.
  2. Describe the characters Alfonso and Ernie in detail. What can we infer about them from the story?
  3. What external and internal conflicts are in the story. Describe at least one of each.
  4. Does Alfonso feel about himself the way most teens feel about themselves? Explain.
  5. What advice would you give Alfonso?
  6. Summarize the story in one paragraph
  7. Now summarize the story in one sentence

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