Monday, May 9, 2016

Ideas for Research


You are going to post a blog about anything you research from this list, or that you come up with. Two paragraphs, 1 picture and a SOURCE ( a website URL so I can check that you didn't plagiarize)
If you finish early, you can play cool-math or

8th Grade Research Topics 

Addiction (causes, treatments)
African masks
African music’s influence on U.S. popular music
Air travel (History)
Alternative Energy Sources
Alzheimer’s disease
Amazon River
Amish life
Amistad Rebellion
Ancient musical instruments
Animal camouflage
Animation (by hand or by computer)
Architecture of ancient cultures
Art of a specific country or continent (i.e China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Africa)
Artistic movements (i.e. abstract art, cubism, impressionism; modern art, Renaissance art, surrealism)
Artificial organs
Attention deficit disorders
Auschwitz concentration camp
Autism and/or Asperger’s
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Midway
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of Thermopylae
Bill of Rights
Black cowboys
Black Forest
Blue jeans (from work clothes to fashion)
Brain research
Brown vs. the Topeka Board of Education
Buffalo soldiers
Cancer treatments
Cathedrals around the world
Censorship (Advanced English only)
Challenger explosion
Chernobyl nuclear accident
Childhood obesity
Chinese opera
Chinese porcelain
Church bombings, 1950s & 1960s, U.S.
Cinco de Mayo
Civil Rights sit-ins at lunch counters
Commerce/trade in Colonial U.S.
Copyright law & the Internet
Coral reefs
Cuban Missile Crisis
Dachau concentration camp
Day of the Dead (Mexico)
D-Day (World War II)
Death & burial rites
Deep sea exploration

Dust storms
Early radio broadcasting (1920s, etc.)
Educational systems around the world
Electoral college
Electric cars
Ellis Island
Erie Canal
Fashions of a specific decade (Choose one.)
Feng Shui
Foods of a specific culture
Former Soviet Union
Forts of Kansas
Global positioning systems (GPS)
Global warming
Gold rush in Alaska
Gold Rush in California
Government, forms of (i.e. democracy, communism, etc.)
Graphic art
Great Chicago Fire, 1871
Great Wall of China
Green Berets
Halloween (History)
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
History of cosmetics
History of the Broadway musical
Hope Diamond
Hurricane Katrina
Hyatt Regency Hotel collapse (Kansas City, MO)
Indian reservations
Integration of Baseball
Interior design
International adoptions
Internet influence on the world
Internet safety
Invention of artificial heart
Invention of atomic bomb
Invention of Barbie doll
Invention of Braille
Invention of cotton gin
Invention of Kevlar
Invention of laser
Invention of lie detector
Invention of Morse Code
Invention of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
Invention of parachutes
Invention of Pasteurization
Invention of Penicillin
Invention of polio vaccine
Invention of sign language
Invention of smallpox vaccine
Invention of telephone
Invention of the assembly line
Invention of traffic signal
Invention of X-rays
Inventions and art of Leonardo Da Vinci
Japanese gardens
Japanese internment camps
Juvenile justice system in the U.S.
Kamikaze pilots

Kennedy-Nixon debates
Knights of the Middle Ages
Land mine removal
Land Rush in Oklahoma
Liberation of concentration camps
Liberation of France in World War II
Life in Shakespearean Times
Little Big Horn
Little Rock Nine (integration of schools, 1957)
Magna Carta
Major rivers of the world
Manners/customs around the world
March on Washington
Mardi Gras
Mayan Empire
Medieval castles
Medieval culture
Medieval towns
Medieval weaponry
Mexico’s independence day
Military uniforms throughout history
Modern farming & agriculture
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Mount St. Helen’s eruption
Mt. Vernon
Multiple personality disorder
Mummies in Egypt
Musical forms (i.e. jazz, rap, etc.)
Native American traditions
Negro Leagues Baseball
Neuschwanstein Castle
New Deal (Roosevelt)
New Madrid fault
Newsreels during World War II
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Nicodemus, Kansas
Occupations (Select one)
Palace of Versailles
Panama Canal
Peace Corps
Pearl Harbor
Planets (choose one)
Plate tectonics
Political cartoons
Protest songs of the 1960s
Public transportation systems around the world
Rain forest
Renaissance fashion
Renewable energy sources
Roman Dress
Roman Games, Gladiators
Rosetta Stone
Route 66
Safety features of modern automobiles
Salem Witch Trials
Samurai warriors
San Andreas fault
San Francisco Earthquake, 1906
Satellite Radio (XM, Sirius)
School security

Seven Natural Wonders of the World:    (Select one.)
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Northern Lights, Alaska
The Harbor at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Grand Canyon, U.S.
Paricutin, Mexico
Mount Everest, Nepal
Seven New Wonders of the World:   (Select one.)
Statue of Christ Redeemer, Brazil
Machu Picchu, Peru
Chichen Itza Pyramid, Mexico
Great Wall of China
Petra, Jordan
Colosseum, Italy
Taj Mahal, India
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World:  (Select one.)
Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
Colossus of Rhodes, Greece
Lighthouse of Alexandra, Egypt
Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece
Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Turkey
Temple of Artemis, Turkey
Shakespeare’s Globe Theater
Shakespeare’s plays
Sibling birth order
Silent films
Sistine Chapel
Slave trade in the U.S.
Space flight
Special effects in film
Sputnick & the space race
Staph infections (drug resistant)
Statue of Liberty
Stock Market Crash, 1929
Student rights
Summer Olympics
Surgical techniques
Tae Kwan Do
Television in the 1960s
Titanic sinking
Tourette’s syndrome
Tower of London
Trail of Tears
Trojan Horse
Tsunami in Southeast Asia, 2004
Tuskegee airmen
U.S. National Park     (Select one.)
U.S. Railroads
U.S.S. Nautilus
Union Station Massacre
Vatican City
Vietnam P.O.W. camps
Wagon trains
Warsaw Ghetto
Water resources
Westward expansion in the U.S.
White Sox Baseball Scandal, 1919
Winter Olympics
Women at war
Women on the Homefront during WWII
Women’s baseball during World War II
Women’s Suffrage Movement
Wounded Knee
WPA (Works Progress Administration)
You-Tube’s influence on polities

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