Monday, February 1, 2016

World History Assignment

****Students in 6th Grade World History may bring their own devices to class this week to work on their speeches and research******
Water Pollution Speech

You are a well researched and passionate water conservationist. You know that most people don’t understand or appreciate just how important fresh water sources are, and what is happening to them around the country.

Assignment- Give a motivating speech in which you convince your audience to get involved with the water conservation effort. You need to explain the risks facing water, and the things they can do to help.

Explain in your speech
1- The extent of the problems facing water
2- What can be done to help

Focus on entertainment and information. Speeches are meant to be more than essays. They entertain and inform. They involve a lot of factors, including good eye contact, tone of voice and a well researched topic.

What steps should you take first to write and give an interesting and motivating speech for your audience?

1- Research. Become an expert before you can expect to sound like one.
2- Plan. There are many ways to do this. Read examples,
3-Write a draft
4- Share draft with a peer editor
6- Read revised draft out loud
7- Get feedback one more time
8- Edit what you need to

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