Wednesday, January 27, 2016

3rd & 5th Reminders

8th Grade!

Your biography projects must be submitted to me by the end of today, no exceptions. 
This is an extension from Monday.
We have 5th period computer lab time to complete this assignment (after NSSREADS)

Your persuasive essay from the plan we wrote last week must be typed and e-mailed by Sunday.
This is also an extension.  If you need computer time after school let me know. Make sure to reference your plan as your write. Have it out in front of you.

BLOG REMINDER. Each week, regardless of other assignments or reminders, a blog is due. I graded this week's blog post (from Monday January 25th) and found that very few of you had completed it according to the directions. Two paragraphs and 1 picture need to be submitted every week. They are time stamped when you publish so I know whether you did it or not.

To review

  • biography by tonight (speeches next Thursday)
  • persuasive essay by Sunday night
  • blog every week!

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