Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Black History Biography Project

Black History Biography Project
File Folder Report Directions

Your Name  __________________________________
Famous Person  ________________________________

Project Begins:  Jan 4th    Written Report Due: January 22nd   Speeches Begin:  January 25th


Report Instructions

Front Cover:  Attach the drawing of your famous person
Inside Left Cover:  Attach your timeline
Inside Right:  Staple all pages of the written report with bibliography at the end.
Back Cover:  Glue any photos or quotes
File Folder Tab:  Write the famous person’s name and your name

Background Information on the Person

You may choose any famous African American person.  For example, you can use Condoleezza Rice, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, etc.  You may not include in this list President Obama or MLK Jr.

You will need to read and locate information from at least three (3) sources:
You must put the author and website in your bibliography (references page)

Famous Person Drawing (Handout 1)
Draw a picture in color of your famous.  Decorate the background of the drawing of your person if you wish.  Label your person’s full name in large neat lettering and dates of birth and death.  Write your first and last name and date in small lettering on the lower right hand corner of the paper.

Draw a timeline with at least eight (8) important events in your person’s life.  Add drawings, clip art, or photos to the timeline.

Written Report 
Use Microsoft Word or Google Docs to type your final copy
Include information in a logical (it MUST make sense) order to include:
-          Where was this person born?  In what year?
-          Where did this person grow up?
-          What does/did the person do for a living?
-          Why is this person famous?  What did/does this person do to become famous?
-          How has this person made an impact on others’ lives?
-          Quotes and interesting information about this person
-          Fill out the bibliography information sheet showing three sources used and attach it as the last page of your report.

Public Speaking
This activity will give you an opportunity to practice speaking in public.  You will dress up (as much as you can) as your person and pretend you are the person.  You will tell all about your contributions, and about your life.  You will need to rehearse at home.  Speeches will begin in late January.  You will sign up for a time to give your presentation.

Remember you will be scored for:
Content – important details included
Organization – a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Language – appropriate and interesting words (think vocabulary words we have studied)
Delivery – good eye contact, volume and body posture.

Student Name ________________________________________________
Project Due:  January22 2015
Speeches Begin:  January 25th

Biography Notes – Use these to ensure you have all required information
Famous Person ____________________________________________________

Date of Birth:  ___________________________  Place or Birth: _____________________________

Date of Death:  _______________________  Place of Death  ______________________________

Family ______________________________________________________________________________




Childhood Information _____________________________________________________________



Handout 3

What did this person do for a living?  _________________________________________________

Major Accomplishments – Why is this person Famous?  _________________________________




Handout 3

How has this person made an impact on others’ lives?  _______________________________



Interesting Information & Other Facts  _________________________________________________




Famous Quotes by this Person ______________________________________________________




Bibliography of Sources Used ( This is how you ensure you have all required reference info)
Book Title:  _______________________________________________________________________

Author:  __________________________________________________________________________

Name of Publisher  _________________________________________________________________

Date Published  ____________________________________________________________________

On-Line Encyclopedia Title  _______________________________________________________

Internet Address:  ________________________________________________________________

Date you used this site  ___________________________________________________________

Internet Website Title  ____________________________________________________________

Internet Address  ________________________________________________________________

Date you used this site  ___________________________________________________________

Monday, December 14, 2015

6th GRADE History

Mrs. Oz needs your help! Please write a letter (in formal letter format) to IKEA requesting furniture to make our library beautiful! Use specific examples of how having a nice library would help you learn and be engaged in school. Be courteous and grateful.

When you are finished, e-mail them to or


I had to go take a teacher test. Please be good!

See you tomorrow!

Ms. A

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Choose One, Write SILENTLY for five minutes.

Imagine if you grew up in another time, without phones. What would be different in your life?

Write a thank you note to your favorite gadget for improving your life.

Write a persuasive note to your parents explaining why you need a new phone.

Practice Debate Speeches- 35 minutes

You should have organized your information, determined what was important from your articles and written down your speech notes. Now practice your speeches for 5th period's debate/discussion.

Focus on....
Eye Contact- Don't state at your note card.

Remember the learning goal....
  • engage in a debate style, respectful discussion with peers

and check the blog for the rubric, if needed.

Discuss procedure and final ideas- 10 minutes

Friday, November 13, 2015

What Is Debate? Part 1

Our assignment this week is a debate style discussion, to prepare us for a more formal debate in the future. This video is about a formal debate, which includes a rebuttal. We will perform a more formal classroom debate later in the school year.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Debate Style Discussion Learning Goals!

Why are we doing this?
What are we going to learn?

Learning Goals....

  • research effectively to find the information you are looking for
  • find the details in text which support your argument
  • engage in a debate style, respectful discussion with peers

Monday, November 9, 2015

Debate Grading Rubric- Look it over carefully before you debate.

Respect for Other Team
All statements, body language, and responses were respectful and were in appropriate language.e
Statements and responses were respectful and used appropriate language, but once or twice body language was not.
Most statements and responses were respectful and in appropriate language, but there was one sarcastic remark.
Statements, responses and/or body language were consistently not respectful.
All information presented in the debate was clear, accurate and thorough.
Most information presented in the debate was clear, accurate and thorough.
Most information presented in the debate was clear and accurate, but was not usually thorough.
Information had several inaccuracies OR was usually not clear.
Presentation Style
Team consistently used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience.
Team usually used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience.
Team sometimes used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience.
One or more members of the team had a presentation style that did not keep the attention of the audience.
We are having a debate style discussion on Tuesday, November 17th

Each of you will build an argument based on research, and try to convince the class of your way of thinking.
You will research and work in pairs. I will not tell you which of you is debating which side. You need to research both and be ready to argue either side.

The argument- Should cell phones be allowed in schools?

I expect the class to come to the discussion prepared and the procedures respected and followed.

We will take turns sharing our views in 1 minute presentations, each partner picking a side.
It should take about 20 minutes.
We will vote as a class on the Debate MVP
Judges will declare a winning side.

Debate Partner Teams

Find 2 articles for and 2 articles against the use of cellphones in classrooms.

Summarize their important claims and key details.

Turn those summaries into note cards to give a 1 minute convincing speech about each side of the argument

Practice saying your speeches.

You don’t know which of you is going to debate which side.

Debate Rules
No put downs.  
You must raise your hand if it's not your time to speak.  
There is NO interrupting.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

This 213.

6th Grade-
Continue learning new vocabulary through context clues in "Esperanza Rising"
Make Text Connections...
Text to Self
Text to Text
Text to World

7th Grade-
Begin reading Bronx Masquerade
Make Text Connections...
Text to Self
Text to Text
Text to World

8th Grade-
Monday- Present your figurative language lessons to the class
Tuesday- Review the 16 terms learns and apply them to 13 RW
Wednesday- Read and prep for class debate..."Should cellphones be used in the classroom?"
Thursday- Read and prep for class debate.....
Friday- Debate!

World History Game

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Research skills....

When observing you yesterday, I noticed many of you did not google important terms to help with you with your project.

Here are some research tips to find what you need for the project.......
Ask yourself "What do I need to know to do this assignment correctly, according to the instructions?

  •  What does my term mean?
  •  Where can I find examples of my term ?
  • Where can I find resources to help teach my term?
  • What should I put in google to find EXACTLY what I am looking for?

Steve         Google SlideShow:  Metaphor, Hyperbole, Idiom & Cliche

 Shannon…..Poster: Theme, Tone, Mood, Point of View (First, Second, Third)

 Enyce……Google SlideShow:Protagonist, Antagonist, Plot, Conflict, Climax

Abi…… Google Slideshow: Simile, Personification, Oxymoron, Onomatopoeia

Selen…………...Poster: Metaphor, Hyperbole, Idiom & Cliche

Ramis  ….SlideShow:  Theme, Tone, Mood, Point of View (First, Second, Third)

Lesson Objective:
Students will be able to-
explain specific figurative language and literary devices to the class
design a visual display that supports their lesson to the class

Each group will take their types of figurative language/literary elements and design either a poster or google slideshow to explain them to the class.

Must include
1- Definition of the type of figurative language
2- Three examples of it’s use in a sentence
3- One quiz question for each type to ensure class understanding

Metaphor, Hyperbole, Idiom & Cliche

Simile, Personification, Oxymoron, Onomatopoeia

Protagonist, Antagonist, Plot, Conflict, Climax

Theme, Tone, Mood, Point of View (First, Second, Third)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

8th Grade- The Next Step

Your partner or triad group is now going to take your skits/speeches and record them on a phone, then design a slideshow and quiz on bullying prevention for younger students.

The slideshow will be on google slides, which is like Powerpoint.
You will also make an accompanying quiz, either on google forms, embedded in the slideshow, or a worksheet on google docs. Be creative. What kind of quiz would you want to take?

You will research five bullying prevention strategies and include them in your presentation. Cannot use Wikipedia.

Keep it clear and simple on the slideshow and quiz. It is for eight year old kids. You will need to make some inferences about your audience and summarize your research.

To Summarize

  • record skits and speeches
  • put them in a slideshow on google
  • make a quiz for kids to go with your slideshow
  • use research to support your ideas
  • stay focused on prevention strategies for bullying
I will schedule time with the computers in the class for each group. You may use your own devices, pending classroom behavior. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Bullying Project Partners








Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bullying Project

8th Grade

 We will explore the theme of "Bullying."

In partners (2), you will either create a three minute speech or a three minute sketch to illustrate the problem of bullying. You will create a narrative (story) which illustrates the theme of bullying. You will perform your skits or speeches to a class of younger students to help prevent bullying.

What should you do to represent bullying as problematic and show a solution for young students?

  • Scenarios where students stand up for other students
  • Scenarios where a student seeks help from an adult 
  • Scenarios that happened to you (you can change it a little so no one knows it's your story)
  • Scenes where we witness what a bully goes through before they bully
  • Scenarios of a kid who bullies and then regrets it
There has to be a positive message, a piece of advice, something that can help prevent bullying in younger grades.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Summarizing PPT


8th Grade-

You are in the midst of a summarizing unit....

We have completed the summary worksheet on the Roanoke colony, and worked in partners to summarize articles.

Three more summarizing activities remain.
You will summarize an article that is individually assigned to you.
You will practice summarizing on a power point.
You will take a summarizing quiz.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Here Are Your "Stop Bullying" Ideas.

Do You Do These Things?

1. Keep their business to themselves.
2. Don't pick on people.
3. Don't start rumors.
4. Tell a Teacher/Principal about the rumor that you're hearing,
5. Don't tell lies that can start rumors.
6. Don't say bad things about people.
7. If you hear a rumor ask someone if they really did it.
8. Help someone if they're getting bullied.
9. Try persuading the bully to stop.
10. Make a blog about bullying or something.

: keep to yourself keep the negative comments to yourself
2: be polite to people help them out
3: stay away from drama
4: discuss the problem to the person you have conflict with
5: start a no bullying campaign
6: treat people with respect were all human also
7: don't talk about people behind their backs
8: everyone has their beliefs and something they enjoy
9: show people that you care about their safety
10: be loving, kind, cool !!!

1. I think they can have a Stop Bullying club
2. They can tell a teacher or an adult if they know that someone is getting bullied
3. They can raise money for the school and have a button when someone is getting bullied they can push that button
4.They can make a project about stopping bullying and show it to the school
5. The students can have a event about stopping bullying
6.They can have a whole week about stopping bullying.
7. They can set up a meeting about bullying
8. They can stop bullying
9. They can stop talking about people
10. They can encourage people about stop bullying  

1.Try to actually talk to the person get to know them
2.Try becoming friends
3.If they get you mad don't treat them poorly
4.Treat them hoe you want to be treated
5.Don't judge a book by its cover
6.Don't isolate someone just because your not cool with them
7.Help anybody in need
8.Don't just stand by got tell someone get help if you see someone being picked on
9.Never just decide on not liking someone if you don't know them
10.Don't get in the way of trouble

- Stand up for them
- Not spread rumors
- Speak up
- Tell a trusted adult
- Be a friend
- Don't be just a bystander
- Don't participate in the bullying
- Include those being left alone

1-They can protect the student who got bullied.
2-They can lie about the gossip and say they say everything.
3-They can talk to bullies and tell them stop.
4-They can talk to their parents of someone older then them about the problem.
5-They can make a Truth Day one day and in that day everybody has the tell the truth about something for example they can say they got bullied by someone.
6-Teachers can talk to student if they got bullied or not.

1.Tell a teacher.
2.Tell an administrator.
3. Talk to the bully.
4.Tell your parents.
5.Don't believe the gossiping
6.Don't start the Drama/Gossiping
7.Become friends with the person being bullied.
8.Ignore them, so they see that you're not paying attention to them.
9.Cheer up the people getting gossiped about
10.Talk to the people starting it.

5-Talk to the people who got bullied before.
6-Stand up for those bullied.
7-Keep yourself from gossiping.
8-If somebody tells you a gossip,change the subject.
9-Do something about the gossip.
10-Treat everyone with respect.