Thursday, January 7, 2016

          TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY by Jay Asher
         Mini-Project- Due Tuesday January 12th

Since Hannah’s parents did not have a memorial or funeral for her, you will make sure her story and memory lives on.  Thus, you will choose one of the following projects below to complete. All projects should reflect an understanding of the novel you have read and also exhibit the intelligence, work and effort of a capable student.  Be creative! 

  1. Written Eulogy (1 page long) – A written speech that talks about the type of person Hannah was when she was alive.  Your speech should celebrate her life.  It should highlight the positive things about her.  Make sure to check your grammar, mechanics and spelling. 

  1. Book Jacket – A NEW and ORIGINAL design of the book cover.  The back of your book cover should include a brief summary about the book.  Do not COPY the original book cover.  Make sure you list the author (Jay Asher). 

  1. Song or Ballad – Write a song about Hannah.  Use figurative language and poetic devices. 

  1. Playlist – Create a THIRTEEN song playlist that represents the type of person Hannah was.  You will provide a written explanation of how each song represents who Hannah was.  You can create a digital playlist or a CD.

  1. Video Slideshow – Create a slideshow that depicts the type of person Hannah was and the events in her life.  You can use Prezi, PowerPoint or Moviemaker. 

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