Tuesday, September 29, 2015

8th Grade.

Last week involved a lot of summarizing activities....

  • Obama's speech
  • Summarize an article of your choice
  • Summarizing worksheet 3 (about the English colonies)

I have very few of these turned in and yet, I am grading them. 

Behavioral Reminders-

No Phones This Week. You have abused the privilege of  using your phones. 
Talking and not paying attention while I am giving instructions has been a very serious problem this year and I have mulled over how to deal with it. I didn't want to give heaps of conduct points, but I also cannot continue to have class time be wasted by outbursts and giggling. 

This week, during debrief, I want you to focus your writing on things you can do to be a better student. Write about goals, focusing your blog, calming yourself down during class, or even exiting the room if you become a distraction.

If you talk while I give instructions, you get negative dojo points. If the problem persists, I am calling parents to inform them that you cause valuable class time to be wasted and together your parents and I will work out a solution.

This cannot continue. While I read to the class, you must be silent. If you have a question, you raise your hand.

I want students who contribute and enjoy class. I want you to have privileges and freedom, and I want you to learn key reading skills like summarizing, inferring, visualizing text, determining what is important and analyzing the author's craft. When we have reviewed this things, and you have worked hard, you will be better readers and more capable students. That is all I want for you and from you, a real chance to learn.

I am trying to work with you, to make school enjoyable and tailored to you. I care about you.
Now, let's work together to improve class behavior. 

1 comment:

  1. http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/reading-comprehension-worksheets/summary-worksheet-3.pdf
    here is the link for summarizing worksheet 3
