Sunday, September 6, 2015

Upcoming Lessons

 When we finish our inference unit, we will start a summarizing unit.

Learning Goals For Summarizing Unit:

  • Students will be able to define the term "summarizing" and explain how it's different from stating a "main idea" or "retelling"
  • Students will be able to summarize literature from different genres, including short stories, poems, or plays.

  1. a brief statement or account of the main points of something.

Tricks to effective summarizing-

  • Shorter than the text.
  • Use your own words
  • Main points only

We will read an article together.
Then you will independently read an article, highlighting what information you think should go in a summary.
Then you and your group will share what you've highlighted and see if you agreed on what was important.
You will then each write a summary in your group.
I will write one too, and share it!

 We will also view a video and a slideshow on summarizing and practice the skill as a whole group.

Then, in your big cat groups, you will each summarize a different piece of literature, from varying genres.

Ocelots- A Drama

Cheetahs- A Short Story

Leopards-A Drama

Tigers- A Short Story

Jaguars- Poetry

Lions- Poetry

****All the while, blog posts and comments are due EACH WEEK, even if I don't mention them at all. Remember?


  1. I like this concept. To start off i want to say these techniques of learning are better. You can actually understand on what we need to improve by the work you are giving us. The idea of the teams will let us be friends with other people we weren't last school year. Also i think inferencing is a big part of life that we use everyday.

    Victor Cl

  2. Thank you, Victor. I appreciate the positive feedback and the obvious effort you put into your blog work this week!
