Wednesday, September 2, 2015



Every day begins with commencement time. It will likely be 5-10 minutes. For fifth period it begins after silent reading. If there is no bell ringer, you will free write in your composition book, but you will be working THE WHOLE TIME. You are silent, working on your bell work independently and awaiting the debrief for the day, when I tell you what’s up.

Let’s practice. Free Write and brainstorm ideas for your blog. Silently.

When commencement is over, everyone knows what they need to be working on, and Ms. Alexander explicitly says “Ok. 213 Free” you may use classroom resources or move to the floor with a pillow.

During “213FREE
You may….
  1. listen to music on your device, if the work is independent.
  2. complete computer or station time, if it is your groups day.
  3. get art supplies as needed.
  4. request book check outs

Expectations for Pillow Place
  • During “213Free” Time, when you are talking with your group, doing assignments and “commencement” is over.
  • “213 Free” is when you can go to the bathroom (when I sign your agenda), move about the the room to get supplies, and begin working independently or with a group, as assigned
  • Do not abuse the pillow place in any way. It is meant for us all enjoy some level of comfort while we learn.
  • Fair is not treating everyone the same.

Expectations for Silent Reading
When the bell rings you will be comfortable (somewhere) with a book, not another word or sound until the alarm on the board goes off. Absolutely no phones or technology, except the e-reader.

Expectations for Social Media in the Classroom
We will do occassional activities with kik, provided you follow social media rules.
Absolutely no negativity.
No chewing/roasting/cooking/getting on top of people’s heads. NOTHING NEGATIVE AT ALL
Absolutely no negativity.

Expectations for Blogs and Comments
In addition to your weekly blog, the expectation of which you can read in my previous post, you must comment 5 sentences a week on other blogs. It can be 5 shorts comments or 1 5 sentence comment. Read each other’s blogs and support each other. Social Media Rules Apply

Team Time
No chewing/roasting/cooking/getting on top of people’s heads. NOTHING NEGATIVE AT ALL
Absolutely no negativity.
You must be on task through the entire team time.
You must be talking through answers to questions together.
You must be focused.
You must not do ANYTHING which causes a problem for someone else.
Problems for other people include, (not an exhaustive list)
  • disturbing their focus in any unnecessary way
  • avoiding your own work in a team

Individual Time
  • Work mostly silently
  • If necessary, OCCASIONALLY ask questions in level 2 from your team.
  • Do not talk to other teams

Show respect for our shared space when you enter and leave the room. Check your area. Clean up your team table. CHECK THE FLOOR. Help straight the pillow place. Pick up stuff that isn’t yours.

Turning in work

Ms. Alexander’s Mail Box
2nd Period Turn In
3rd Period Turn In
4th Period Turn In
5th Period Turn In
6th Period Turn In


  1. I believe this procedure will help us learn more. This will definitely help us surpass our learning skills that we developed last school year. As you said you hope to help us obtain better reading skills than you currently have. This will help us build up team chemistry. We will succeed in this technique of learning with a little effort we have to make to learn.

    Victor Cl
